MTM Thessaloniki

The time had finally come! The first big event of the year was coming up, the Mid Term Meeting in Thessaloniki. From Porto to Ankara, Cairo to Lyon, young to old, everyone was there and a lot of fun was pre-programmed. As with every MTM, the mandatory GAR (General Assembly of Representatives), GB Workshop and International Night were on the agenda. At the latter, we were able to catch the eye for the first time with a semi-respectable dance performance. Nevertheless, we were the stars of the International Night, as our Jägermeister is simply unbeatable. We explored the city with a view of snow-covered Mount Olympus. Thessaloniki is a student city and has the largest university in the country, Aristotle University, and you can feel this on every corner, as there are small bars, clubs and restaurants everywhere. Ideal for having fun at night, and we certainly did. Another highlight was definitely the Galenti, where we danced, partied and ate delicious food all day long to the best music from DJ Dimitra. Once again it was a great event! Many thanks to LC Thessaloniki for the great hospitality and the perfect organization <3!!!!
-Philipp Hein