ACCESS Belgrade

23.04. - 30.04.2023
Saint - Sava Cathedral

The 2023 Mid-Term Meeting took place in Belgrade from April 23rd to 30th.

What did we do? That's a good question. In any case, we had a lot of fun, both with the glass and with all the other activities.
But in general, the week consisted of 3 parts.

The organizational or mandatory part. We had a workshop on whether IACES should open up and allow students from other programs similar to civil engineering to join IACES. In the GAR (General Assembly of Representatives) we then voted on this and other internal matters.

The second, somewhat more fun part of the week was the sightseeing and the “cultural” part. We visited the Nikola Tesla Museum, the Botanical Garden in Belgrade and the famous Saint-Sava Cathedral. We also went on a day trip to Novi Sad and Avaia where we hiked up a mountain and spent the day there.

And as our anthem says: “Drinking beer and mixing concrete, that`s our way to unify”, probably the most fun part of the week. Belgrade is really ideal if you want to party. There are kiosks all over the city that are open 24/7. So you always have the option of a cold beer. There are an almost endless number of bars and clubs, which are relatively cheap for us due to the exchange rate. Enough raving... Of course we had the traditional “International Night”. It was great fun, with delicious food, funny dances and songs and lots of alcohol, especially homemade alcohol. The memories are a little hazy, but we definitely had a lot of fun. And so it went on every day, from karaoke bars to clubs in the basement of the faculty and on the Danube. It was all there.

The week was pretty eventful overall and we had a lot of fun. Although it was quite exhausting for body and mind, it was more than worth it.
The hosts from Belgrade went to a lot of trouble. Everything was taken care of and they were always ready to help. The accommodation was also cool, right next to the faculty, in the middle of the city next to a park. It was an all-round success.
Many thanks again for the LC Belgrade!