Excursion to Implenia's Parktower construction site

On the site

On June 3rd, around fifteen IACES students had the opportunity to take a close-up look at the major construction site of the "Park Tower" in Karlsruhe's Oststadt district.

The Swiss construction company Implenia is managing this project, which forms another part of the new "City Park" in Ludwig-Erhard-Allee, right next to the "Park Plaza".

As an introduction, we were given a brief overview of Implenia's activities. The site manager of the Park Tower project then told us about his personal experiences and his career as a foreman and site manager.

With a pretzel in our hands and a helmet on our heads, we were then given a comprehensive tour of the construction site and were able to see the shell construction work up close.

Around half of the twelve planned floors are already in place, giving us an idea of the dimensions of the project: the Park Tower is due to be completed by the end of 2014 and will then offer spacious loft apartments with up to 300 square meters of living space, 6000 square meters of office space and around 100 student apartments behind an elaborate glass façade.

All in all, we ended our visit to Implenia after just under three hours and expressed our sincere thanks for the many new impressions and experiences.


Text: Katharina Wlotzka