Weisenburger Headquarters

On 14.12.2019, we were given a tour of the construction site of the new Weisenburger company headquarters by site manager David Biehler.
At the beginning, Mr. Biehler gave us a short presentation about the planning and realization of the project, whose architecture is a unique selling point. This is thanks to the well-known architect Tadao Andō, who attaches great importance to exposed concrete.
We began our tour of the almost completed building project in the underground garage and ended on the roof of the 7th floor. Mr. Biehler gave us a lot of information about the construction method and the problems encountered during construction.
The influence of the architect could be seen not only in the uniqueness, but also in the nerves of the construction manager. There were many construction challenges that the construction team had to face, such as the clean shuttering of the individual six-hole concrete structures, or the unconventional measure of flooding the basement to counteract the buoyancy of the groundwater. There were also many other special features (e.g. the slightly rounded outer wall) that make the project unique. Mr. Biehler told us with great enthusiasm about his work as site manager. He gave us young students an insight into his field of activity as a civil engineer at a construction company.
It was definitely a worthwhile excursion and we would like to thank him very much for the successful tour!